Considering the massive interest and numerous applications in the domain of Artificial intelligence and Machine learning, the ISF (IETE Students Forum) of Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Goa in collaboration with EduXLabspresently associated with National Service Scheme (NSS) and National Social Summit of IIT Roorkee. organized a one week ISTE STTP on “Machine learning and Deep learning using Python” from 1st to 5th July 2019 .

This workshop was attended by 40 participants including  faculty and students from various engineering colleges across Goa.

The workshop served a great platform for students and researchers to upgrade their knowledge in the area of Machine Learning, Computer Vision and its applications. Training on Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques are concerned with Data analysis, design and development of methods for the classification or description of patterns, objects, signals and processes. The implementation of projects was done using Python as the programming platform.

The chief guest for the inaugural function was Ms. Lourdes Soares, ex student of ETC Dept. of PCCE and founder of SabrCare, a company which offers help to cancer patients. Ms. Soares spoke about her experiences in the corporate sector. She spoke at length about the reason she decided to quit a hi-profile job in the corporate sector and return to Goa to take care of a family member ailing from cancer. She decided to start a commercial cum social startup related to technology development to support cancer patients. SabrCare is incubated by BITS Pilani, Goa campus after winning the first spot at the pitching competition conducted by BITS at Hyderabad.

The students and faculty were introduced to concepts of Python. It was followed by indepth introduction to Machine learning and Deep Learning. Miniprojects were implemented in various domain to learn about application of Machine learning and Deep learning to domains like image processing, financial applications, wireless communication.

The trainer for the program was Mr. Deepak Kumar Mishra from  EduXLabs. He has an experience of conducting more than 150 workshops at major institutes in the country. He is also a corporate trainer with extensive experience in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

The faculty coordinators for the workshop were Ms. Avita Lotlikar, Assistant Professor and faculty co ordinator ISF,ETC Dept. and Mr. Shailesh Khanolkar, Associate Professor , ETC Dept. PCCE. The Principal of PCCE, Dr. Mahesh Parrapagoudar, deeply appreciated the efforts of the department and the faculty coordinators in conducting an excellent workshop in the state of the art technology which was attended by many faculty members as well as students. The students were happy with the introduction to projects and many of them are considering pursuing their final year projects in the area of Artificial Intelligence.

The ISF of Padre Conceicao College of Engineering has in the past conducted courses in the domain of PLC and SCADA, IoT, Microcontrollers and various programming language with the objective to introduce the students to the state of the art technology.