Sell Me This Pen

ACE PCCE conducted a unique competition, under Techyon on the 10th of November 2023 that put the creativity, quick thinking, strategic planning, and effective communication skills of its participants to the test.

In this event, participants were given a product idea by the organizing committee and had just one hour to prepare a compelling pitch. This competition was designed to evaluate not only the participants’ ability to think quickly but also their strategic planning and effective communication skills.

The event was a grand success, with participants showcasing their ability to think on their feet and sell any product. The competition served as a platform for the participants to unleash their creativity and persuasion skills, making it a memorable experience for all involved. 21 students from GEC and PCCE participated in the event.

The judges for the event were Mr. Shravan Hegde, CTO, Contractzy and Mr. Vinayak Khalap, Sales Manager, Visteon.

The winners of the event were: 1st “BAND OF MISFITS” from GEC and 2nd “Black N White” from GEC.

The coordinators for the event were Mr. Vivek Paste (B.E. Comp) and Ms. Khushi Anjum (T.E. Comp)

Report by Mr. Vivek Paste (B.E. Comp)