E-Cell Presents Blockchain and Smart Contracts
E- Cell of PCCE in association with Institution Innovation Cell organized a talk on Blockchain and Smart Contracts on 9th Dec 2021. This talk was presented by Mr. Shrey Keny who is a student in PCCE from the IT department. He has a keen interest in startups, decentralized web, global markets and crypto. He is an Ethereum India Fellow and has built crypto todo, DeFi battles and Minerva during the course of his fellowship.
Firstly he talked about “Very Very Brief History of Money” in which he explained the barter system (exchanging goods and services). Then he explained why this system was inefficient.
And then he began talking about Bitcoin. Bitcoin core was released in ’09 by a pseudonymous founder – Satoshi Nakamoto. It was built upon the idea of cypherpunks and it is completely decentralized.
Then he explained proof of work with a demo. Later he talked about the blockchain and smart contracts in detail. He provided a number of case studies regarding use of block chain and smart contracts in tracing applications, validation in industry. He also briefly talked about Ethereum, NFT’s and tokens.
All the students got to learn a lot from this talk. And it was a huge success.