Talk on “Career Guidance” by Young Innovators Network (YIN) at P.C.C.E.

Padre Conceicao College of Engineering (PCCE), Verna, in association with Young Innovators Network (YIN), organised a guest lecture on “Career Guidance” for the final year students of the Computer Engineering and Information Technology departments.

At the onset, Dr. Mahesh Parappagoudar, Principal of PCCE welcomed the guests and students. He emphasised on the importance of having a realistic and practical understanding of the career choices that are available.


Mr. Shekhar Bhat, CTO of Foxberry Technologies and Founder of Careers and Paths, was the distinguished Guest Speaker. Mr. Bhat discussed the process of career guidance and shared ideas on how to explore and plan for the future based on each individual’s interests, skills and values. 


The event was jointly coordinated by the Training and Placement team and Ms. Shavani Shirodkar, Executive YIN.


After the session, Ms. Razia Loyola Furtado Sardinha, TPO, presented a memento to the Guest Speaker, and Ms. Fiona Coutinho, Asst. Prof. Computer Dept. proposed the vote of thanks. The function was coordinated and compered by Ms. Nadia Fernandes, Asst. Prof. Basic Sciences and Humanities department.