Designation:Associate Professor

PHD:  Grid computing, Thapar University

 M.Sc: Mathematics and Computing, Thapar University

B.A: Mathematics and Computer Applications, Punjab University

Experience :

Industry: Nil

Teaching: 10 Years

Areas of Interest :
Cloud Computing , Big data analytics
  • Attended AWS summit India, Bengaluru, May 23,2024
  • Attended “Streaming Data in the cloud with Confluent & MongoDB on AWS”, Mumbai, September 2022
  • Attended “AWS Initiate Day”, Mumbai, June 2022.
  • Organized Session on Topic “Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs” by IBM Research Scientist, Dr.Dinesh Khandelwal, October, 22, 2021
  • National workshop on “Big Data Analysis: Deriving Causal Inferences Using Statistical and Computational Techniques, NITK Surathkal, April 01-02, 2016.
  • International workshop on “Cloud Computing and High Performance Computing”, Thapar University, Patiala, December 05-08, 2012.
  • Microsoft sponsored “MSR India 2012 Summer School on Distributed Algorithms, Systems and Programming”, IISC Bangalore, May 28-June 8, 2012.
  • DST sponsored Short Term Course “Nature inspired optimization algorithms: Recent trends, theory and applications”, IIT Roorkee, March 25-28, 2011.
  • Research Promotion workshop on “Introduction to Graph and Geometric Algorithms”, Thapar University, 28-30 October, 2010.
  • Conference Tutorials in ICCCT, 2010 at MNNIT Allahabad.
  • Attended the IIT Delhi, Cloud Camp, 2010.
  • Attended the Four modules of Finishing School Programme, Thapar University, Patiala.
  • TGMC workshop based on DBA, Advance JAVA by Ashok Kumar, IBM PUNE.
  • Ethical Hacking by Ankit Fadia, Stanford University at Thapar University, INDIA.
  1. Kaur, M., Aron, R. and Seth, S., 2023, December. SACF: An Innovative and Secure Architectural Approach for Cybersecurity using Fog Computing Environments. In 2023 9th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC) (pp. 450-455). IEEE.
  2. Shreya Madaan, Mandeep Kaur and Rajni Aron, “Exploring the Potential of IoST for Smart City Development”,National Conference on Recent Advances in School Education (RASE – 2023) ,June 09-11, 2023, Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Punjab, India
  3. Jindal, Kanika, and Rajni Aron, “Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Images Through Novel Sequential Attention-Based Deep Metric Network”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computing Applications,Singapore 275-287, Springer,2022
  4. Wadhwa, Heena, and Rajni Aron. “Fog computing framework for multi constraints based resource utilization.” In 2021 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Science & Technology (ICCMST), pp. 20-23. IEEE, 2021.
  5. Wadhwa, Heena, and Rajni Aron. “A clustering-based optimization of resource utilization in fog computing”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computing Applications: ICACA 2021
  6. Godara, Jyoti, and Rajni Aron. “Support Vector Machine Classifier with Principal Component Analysis and K Mean for Sarcasm Detection.” In 2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), vol. 1, pp. 571-576. IEEE, 2021.
  7. Kaur, M., & Aron, Rajni, An energy-efficient load balancing approach for fog environments using scientific workflow applications. International Conference on Distributed Computing and Optimization Techniques (ICDCOT – 2021), Springer..
  8. Kaur, Mandeep., & Aron, Rajni. (2021). Fog clustering-based architecture for load balancing in scientific workflows. In 4 th International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Data Engineering (ICCIDE-2021), Springer.
  9. Godara, Jyoti, and Rajni Aron. “An Approach to Detect Sarcasm in Tweets.” In Data Analytics and Management, pp. 41-50. Springer, Singapore, 2021.
  10. Kaur, Mandeep, and Rajni Aron. “Equal Distribution Based Load Balancing Technique for Fog-Based Cloud Computing.” In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications 2019, pp. 189-198. Springer, Singapore, 2020.
  11. Wadhwa, Heena. and Aron Rajni., “Fog computing with the integration of Internet of things: Architecture, Applications and Future Directions”, 16th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, Melbourne, Australia, December 11-13, 2018.
  12. Kaur, M. and Aron, Rajni., “Fog computing and its role in development of Smart applications”, 16th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, Melbourne, Australia, December 11-13, 2018.
  13. Rajni Aron, “An empirical study of VM Provisioning in IaaS Cloud”, 18th IEEE Conference on High Performance Computing & Communication (HPCC 2016), Sydney, Australia, December 12-14,2016.
  14. Aron, Rajni., Chana I and Abraham, A., “Hyper-heuristic based Resource Scheduling in Grid Environment”, IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics, Manchester, UK , October 13-16, 2013.
  15. Rajni, Chana I, “Resource Provisioning Policy based Scheduling for Grid Environment”, 12th annual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, organized by Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology and ACM, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, October 3-6, 2012.
  16. Rajni, Chana I., “Enhancement of Resource Provisioning in Grid Resource Management Systems”, 11th annual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, organized by Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology and ACM, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, November 9-12, 2011.
  17. Aron Rajni., Chana I., “Resource Provisioning for Grids: A Policy Perspective”, in International Conference on Contemporary Computing, LNCS, Springer, pp-546-547, JIIT University Noida, August 8-10, 2011.
  18. Aron Rajni., Chana I., “Cost based Resource Provisioning Policy for Grids”, in International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2011 Vol II, WCE 2011, July 6 – 8, 2011, London, U.K.(Awarded Certificate of Merit).
  19. Rajni, Chana, I., “Resource Provisioning and Scheduling in Grids: Issues, Challenges and Future Directions”, in IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT’10), pp: 306-310, MNNIT, Allahabad, September 17-19, 2010.
  1. Heena Wadhwa & Rajni Aron “Optimized task scheduling and preemption for distributed resource management in fog-assisted IoT environment”, Journal of Supercomputing Springer New York, Feb 2023 Springer Impact Factor: 2.557,(indexed by SCI).
  2. Rajni Aron & Ajith Abraham, “Resource scheduling methods for cloud computing environment: The role of meta-heuristics and artificial intelligence”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 0952-1976, Nov,2022 Elsevier Impact Factor: 7.802,(indexed by SCIE)
  3. Mandeep Kaur & Rajni Aron, “A Novel Load Balancing Technique for Smart Application in a Fog Computing Environment International “,Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC) 1938-0259, March 2022, IGI Global.
  4. Kaur, Mandeep, Aron, Rajni, “An Energy-Efficient Load Balancing Approach for Scientific Workflows in Fog Computing”, Wireless Personal Communications (2021): 1-24, Impact Factor: 071,(indexed by SCIE)
  5. Jindal, Kanika, and Rajni Aron, A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Beauty Products Reviews, Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST) 1 (37),2022.
  6. Aron, Rajni, and Deepak Kumar Aggarwal, “Resource scheduling of concurrency based applications in IoT based cloud environment”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-12, Impact Factor: 7.104. 2022,(indexed by SCI)
  7. Jindal, Kanika, and Rajni Aron, “A Novel Visual-Textual Sentiment Analysis Framework for Social Media Data”,Cognitive Computation 13 (2021): 1433-1450 Impact Factor: 418, (indexed by SCIE)
  8. Kaur, M., & Aron, Rajni, “FOCALB: Fog Computing Architecture of Load Balancing for Scientific Workflow Applications”, J Grid Computing 19, 40 (2021)., Springer, Impact Factor: 674,(indexed by SCI).
  9. Wadhwa, Heena, and Rajni Aron. “Resource Utilization for IoT Oriented Framework Using Zero Hour Policy.” Wireless Personal Communications (2021): 1-24, Impact Factor: 071,(indexed by SCIE)
  10. Wadhwa, H., &; Aron, Rajni. (2021). TRAM: Technique for resource allocation and management in fog computing environment. The Journal of Supercomputing, 1-24. Impact Factor: 557,(indexed by SCI).
  11. Wadhwa, Heena, and Rajni Aron. “Energy based Resource Provisioning for IoT Applications in Fog Computing”, Journal of Natural Remedies 21, no. 3 (2020).
  12. Kaur, Mandeep, and Rajni Aron. “A systematic study of load balancing approaches in the fog computing environment.” The Journal of Supercomputing (2021): 1-46, Impact Factor: 557,(indexed by SCI)
  13. Gupta, Rajni. “Resource provisioning and scheduling techniques of iot based applications in fog computing.” International Journal of Fog Computing (IJFC) 2, no. 2 (2019): 57-70.
  14. Singh Prabhdeep, Kaur Rajbir, Aron Rajni,”A Fog assisted Secure Architecture for heterogeneous IoT- based EducationalScenario”, International Journal of Research in Electronics AND Computer Engineering (IJRECE),3,1318-1326,2018
  15. Aron, Rajni. “IoT based Platform as a Service for Provisioning of Concurrent Applications.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.10685 (2017).
  16. Sahana Kumari B. , Rajni , “Data Deduplication and Auditing in Cloud”, International Journal of Emerging Research in Management and Technology, Vol 5, No 5, 2016.
  17. Aron, Rajni., Chana I., and Abraham, A., “A hyper-heuristic approach for resource provisioning based scheduling in Grid Environment”, Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, Volume 71, No 4, pp 1427-1450,  Jan 2015, Impact Factor: 557, (indexed by SCI).
  18. Aron, Rajni., Chana ,  “Grid Scheduling Heuristic methods : State-of-the-Art”, International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, pp. 466 – 473 ,Vol 6, 2014.
  19. Rajni, Chana I., “QoS based Resource Provisioning and Scheduling in Grids”, Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s11227-013-0903-1, Impact Factor: 557,  Vol .66, No 1, pp:262-283, October 2013,(indexed by SCI).
  20. Rajni, Chana I., “Bacterial Foraging based Hyper-heuristic for Resource Scheduling in Grid Computing”, Future Generation of Computer Systems,Elsevier, Impact Factor: 7.307, Vol 29, No 3, pp: 751-762, March 2013 (indexed by SCI).
  21. Aron Rajni., Chana I, “Formal QoS Policy based Grid Resource Provisioning Framework”, Journal of Grid Computing, Springer, Impact Factor: 674, Vol 10, No 2, pp: 249-264, June 2012 (indexed by SCI).
  22. Kumar R., Aron Rajni., “Information Retrieval System of Hospitals using UML and Data Cube”,  International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science IJARCS , Volume 2, Number 2, March- April 2011.
    • Technical Committee member of Global Tech Women, USA,2022
    • Technical Track Chair at IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC-2022),organized by IEEE Bombay Section and MPSTME, NMIMS University, Mumbai, India
    • Session Chair in at IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC-2022),organized by IEEE Bombay Section and MPSTME, NMIMS University, Mumbai, India
    • IAENG Society of Computer Science
    • IAENG Society of Data Mining
    • IAENG Society of Internet Computing and Web Services
    • MIR lab member
    • Reviewer for Several Journals and Conferences including: IEEE transaction on Cloud Computing, Journal of Grid Computing, Journal of Supercomputing, International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, Neural Computing and Applications, Concurrent Engineering:Research Applications, IEEE Access, ICAC 2021, IBSSC 2022, .
    • Program Committee member of NABIC 2015, SoCPaR 2015,SPTIoT 2017, IEEE SMARTCOMP 2018, FiUSE 2018,WF-IOT 2021, IBSSC 2022, CSNT 2023,CICN2023
    • Session Chair in HPCC2016, Australia.