Most frequent questions and answers
- The procedure to apply for admission is available on http://dte.goa.gov.in/
- Please refer to Prospectus under Admission tab.
(Required to be issued from Goa University by students migrating from other Universities / Boards to Goa University – e.g. students who have passed XII Std from CBSE / ICSE /
Maharashtra Board and want to join First Year B.E.)
• Application for the Provisional Eligibility Certificate is to be submitted online to Goa University.
• Please refer to https://www.unigoa.ac.in/systems/a/academic-matters/applyfor/eligibility-certificate.html
• You will receive the Provisional Eligibility Certificate in your email.
Enter your request in the Student Request Register kept in the office.
For students who have completed the course:
1) Return all college equipment / books / library cards etc. to the respective departments / sections.
2) Take signatures from all the departments / sections as specified on No Dues Form (format available in the office / can be downloaded from link below). Enter your bank details for refund of caution money.
3) Submit the No Dues form to Admin Office.
4) The Leaving Certificate will be issued on the basis of the completed No Dues form and authorization from Exam Cell.
For students who wish to discontinue the course before completion:
1) Write a letter addressed to the Principal mentioning the reason for discontinuing the course and leaving the college.
2) Submit a letter from your parent / guardian stating that they have No Objection to you leaving the college.
3) Meet your HOD and the Principal along with your parent / guardian to discuss your reasons for discontinuing.
4) Return all college equipment / books / library cards etc. to the respective departments / sections.
5) Take signatures from all the departments / sections as specified on No Dues Form (format available in the office / can be downloaded from link below).
6) Submit the letters and No Dues form to Admin Office.
7) The Leaving Certificate will be issued on the basis of the completed No Dues form and the letters signed by the HOD. The approval of the Registrar, Principal and Director is required for the same.
For students who have completed the course:
1) Submit your Identity Card to Admin Office and Library Cards to Library.
2) Take signatures from all the departments as specified on No Dues Form. Enter your bank details for refund of caution money.
3) Submit the No Dues form to Admin Office.
4) The Leaving Certificate will be issued on the basis of the completed No Dues form.
For students who wish to discontinue the course before completion:
1) Write a letter addressed to the Principal mentioning the reason for leaving the college.
2) Submit a letter from your parent/guardian stating that they have No Objection to you leaving the college.
3) Meet your HOD and the Principal along with your parent/guardian to discuss your reasons for discontinuing.
4) Submit your Identity Card to Admin Office and Library Cards to Library.
5) Take signatures from all the departments as specified on No Dues Form.
6) Submit the No Dues form to Admin Office.
7) The Leaving Certificate will be issued on the basis of the completed No Dues form, and the No Objection letter from the parent/guardian. The approval of the Registrar, Principal and Director is required for the same.
- Transfer Certificate (as a pre-requisite for Migration Certificate) will be required by students who wish to pursue post-graduate studies in other universities.
- Transfer Certificate may also be required by students who wish to discontinue their studies in our college and take admission to another college.
- Some companies also ask for a Transfer Certificate as part of joining formalities.
Procedure to apply for Transfer Certificate
- If Leaving Certificate is not yet taken from the college, apply for it first.
- Fill the Application for Transfer Certificate (format available in the office / can be downloaded from link below) and attach all necessary documents.
- Take the signature of the Head of Department.
- Submit the application form to the PCCE Admin Office.
Documents to be attached
- Copy of Semester VII Marksheet
- Copy of Semester VIII Marksheet
- Copy of Passing / Convocation Certificate
- Copy of title page of Final Year Project Report
- Copy of Leaving Certificate
Migration Certificate will be required by students who wish to pursue post-graduate studies in other universities.
Procedure to apply for Migration Certificate
- Apply for Transfer Certificate as per the procedure mentioned above.
- Apply online for Migration Certificate from Goa University on the following link: http://gums.unigoa.ac.in/gums/#/migrationregistration
- Make payment of the prescribed application fees Online through Credit Card / Debit Card / NET Banking.
- The College will approve and submit your request to Goa University.
- Please refer to
The student may approach the concerned HOD / faculty member from whom the recommendation / reference is needed. The charge per faculty per letter is Rs. 25/-
Education verification
- Companies who wish to apply for education verification of students are required to submit the details along with copies of the final marksheet and / or Passing Certificate as needed, via e-mail to agnelpcce@gmail.com
- There will be a charge of Rs. 600/- per student for Education Verification. The amount may be paid to the following bank account
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2531000101066694
IFSC Code: PUNB0107810
MICR Code: 403024004
Type of account: Savings
Please provide your Company’s GST No. and the transaction no. of the transfer in your email for accounting purpose.
- The request will be processed immediately on receipt of the documents and processing charge.
- The verified documents will be sent by return e-mail.
- We try to process all applications as soon as possible. However, as verification of various details / documents has to be done, processing may take up to 2 working days in some cases. Therefore students / parents are expected to submit applications complete in all respects well in advance of their requirement.
- The procedures/documents specified here are according to the minimum requirements of PCCE and/or Goa University. Additional procedures may need to be completed or additional documents submitted in certain cases
- All Debit/Credit cards are accepted for payment in the Accounts Section of the college.
- All Debit/Credit cards are accepted for payment in the Accounts Section of the college
Attestation | Rs. 5/-per copy (for 5or more copies) |
Transfer Certificate | Rs. 125/- |
ID Card (temporary/permanent –first time) | No charge |
Duplicate ID Card (temporary) | Rs. 35/- |
Duplicate ID Card (permanent) | Rs. 50/- |
Duplicate fee receipt letter | Rs. 25/- |
Duplicate Leaving Certificate | Rs. 25/- |
Recommendation/reference letters | Charge per faculty per letter Rs. 25/-; Rs. 2 per letterhead; Rs. 5 per envelope |
Request for education verification by companies | Rs. 600/- |
Last updated in March 2025