The Library is the heart of an educational institution. The same is true with our Library also. The Central Library is an excellent state-of-the-art infrastructure having a unique resource collection that is international in scope. Currently, the Library holds collection of 25728+ books which include textbooks as well as reference books. It includes stacking area, reference section, main reading area and separate reading area for reference section.
The field of engineering is fast developing; to help the students and the staff keeps abreast of the current developments, the Library regularly subscribes IEEE 187+ e-journals and 1400+ proceedings which are international and 44 print journals and magazines.
This is an age of digital libraries. The services of Central Library are rendered online through an integrated web-based Library Management System and in-house functions like acquisition; cataloguing and circulation are automated with open-source software NGL (NewGenLib). Through OPAC(online Public access catalogue) patrons can utilize the resources more efficiently by keeping all relevant information (like new arrivals, availability of titles of their interests, etc.) at their fingertips. Students and staff can have access to the central library from anywhere within the college campus.
Library Working Hours
- Monday-Saturday – 9:00am-5:00pm
- 1st & 3rd Saturday & Public Holiday CLOSED
- During University Exam Timing extended till 5.30 pm
- Email:,
- Phone: 0832 2791266/67 Ext. 113
Fax: 0832 2791268