- IC Engine An Internal Combustion Engine converts chemical energy into mechanical work to run different systems of vehicle. Aim behind this laboratory work is to teach student about basic laws of thermodynamics, heat transfer between various systems and conversion of heat to one form to another form. Students can enhance their knowledge by applying theoretical principle to practical skills. A range of different engines and fuels make students eager to brush their knowledge. After learning, students can understand difference between working of SI and CI engines, evaluate parameters of emissions and understand performance parameters of different engines.
- Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Refrigeration and Air Conditioning laboratory provides fundamental knowledge about the design and analysis of refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The lab is equipped with different test setups which impart practical knowledge about air conditioners, refrigerators, ice plants, cooling towers, basic vapour compression refrigeration systems and heat pumps out of which three are developed by the students. This lab course is primarily offered in the Final year of Mechanical Engineering.
- Fluid Mechanics Fluid mechanics lab have all new comprehensive experimental set ups catering to the requirements of curriculum and above that. The laboratories cater to the needs of mechanical students in the subject of fluid mechanics. It strengthens and broadens the students’ knowledge of incompressible fluid mechanics. To provide hands-on experience with flows that are more complex, nonlinear, or unsteady than are typically studied in a lecture course. The laboratory is equipped with large number of equipment’s and experimental set ups to study the fundamentals and applied aspects of fluid mechanics and fluid machines. The setups comprise a verity of devices like Venturimeter, Orifice meter, Rota-meter, notches, verification of Bernoulli’s Theorem, etc.
- Gas Dynamics & Hydraulic Machines Gas Dynamics and Trubomachinaries laboratory is equipped with a number of equipment and experimental setups to study the fundamentals and applied aspects of fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines. The setups are used for.measurements of critical Performance parameters like efficiency, flow rate etc. of various hydraulic machines such as Pelton wheel, Kaplan Turbines etc.The lab is equipped with centrifugal pump and reciprocating pump in which students can find out the performance test and efficiency at different operating conditions
- Heat & Mass transfer Heat and Mass transfer Laboratory provides fundamental and Industrial knowledge about modes of heat transfer, mass transfer and their applications. The lab is equipped with different test setups which can impart knowledge about various concepts related to shell and tube heat exchanger, natural and forced convection, emissivity of a surface, boiling and condensation, etc. This lab course is primarily offered in the Final year of Mechanical Engineering.
The Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing Laboratory exploits the brilliance and inspiration of students, blending them proportionately to bring out innovation and creativity.
The lab is equipped with softwares such as Solidworks, Ansys, Cadem SeeNC turning and milling simulation softwares . Softwares such as solidworks help students fulfil the design and drawing requirements while Ansys helps students analyse problems.
With the latest addition of CNC simulation softwares students are better equipped to perform simulation using various CNC programs before getting a hands-on experience on the VMC machine. The lab is acts as a central facility for concept design and product realization
The department of Mechanical Engineering has a dedicated material testing laboratory where students are taught to test and analyse the strength of different materials subject to various loading conditions. The equipment are well maintained with regular calibrations done. The lab is also used to carry out research in the fields of new material technology such as fibre reinforced composites.
To accomplish this the laboratory is setup with the following equipment:
1.Universal testing machine
2.Impact testing machine
3.Wear testing machine
4.Metallurgical microscope
5.Erichson cupping machine
6.Fatigue testing machine
7.Torsion testing machine
8.Muffle furnace
9.Polishing machine
10.Hardness testing Machine
11. Compression moulding machine
12. Notch cutter
13. Weighing machine
Mechatronics laboratory is an integrated laboratory covering Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Control theory applications for the modelling and design of intelligent automated system. The laboratory caters the need to provide multi domain knowledge which is expected to be the key role for mechatronics applications. The lab is well equipped with with various simulation softwares and trainer kits for hands-on experience
Theory of machines lab Theory of machines laboratory is well equipped to conduct experiments in Dynamics of Machinery and Mechanical Vibration.
The apparatus available to achieve the same are as follows :
– Balancing of Rotating Masses
– Motorized Gyroscope
– Universal Governor Apparatus
– Universal Vibration Test Rig
– Trifilar Suspension
– Vibration Measurement Kit (Triaxial Accelerometer, Impact Hammer, NI DAQ, NI LabView (1 License)
Faculty In-charge: Pushparaj Pingulkar
Lab Assistant: Vishwas Bale (Dynamics of Machinery), Nitin Chopdekar (Mechanical Vibration)Metrology lab Metrology is a scientific study of measurements. In the lab during the course of the sememster students perform wide variety of experiments. Experiments such as with slip gauges, dial gauges, angle gagues, profile projector, vernier calipeer and screw gauges which help them to understand on the usage and calibration of such devices.
Students also get to do a hands on activities using these equipment as a part of the curriculum which adds in the Engineering knowledge useful for them in the industry as well.
Along with these equipments there are also equipment related to dynamics and mechanical vibrations. Using these devices students get well acquianted with the concepts as well as analysis of various aspects related to vaibration monitoring and controlhopdekar (Mechanical Vibration)